1954 Born in Vancouver BC
1967 Boarded at St. George’s School in Vancouver
1972 Began annual travels - Mexico, Europe, Africa
1974 Met longtime traveling companion Marcel Kahn, in Switzerland,
1974 Utah, Velcaire France with Marcel
1974 Met Alejandro Jodorowski in Paris - the first of several annual visits
1982 Hollyhock purchased
1983 Met Sophie, 5th arrondissement in Paris, staying in Rue de la Huchette
1984 Married Sophie in Paris, age 29
1986 Ariel born
1989 Iris born
1995 Emmanuel born
2004 Began composing full time, age 50
2005 Famous in Mongolia
2006 Lost in Tierra del Fuego
2006 Uganda to record with Bead for Life choir, met Kinobe
2007 Sprit & Space, performed in Dubai
2008 Nomad
2011 Acoustic Psychedelic Chill
2011 Nomad 2
2013 The Farmer’s Cathedral
2013-2016 Golden Rice campaign
2014 Golden Rice European tour
2014 Ambient Under Waters recorded
2015 The Palace of Paul Horn recorded